Bushido - The Code of the Samurai

Bushido - The Code of the Samurai

Before entering in the Temple of Budo and discuss the bushido samurai code or talk about the bubishi, the bible of the Okinawa karatejutsu, let us take a closer look at our personal behavior in daily life. Let us also consider if we practice the 5 states of mind according to budo and/or bujutsu!?

We wrote this article because we see a complete lack of zen elements in modern dojos!

It is only the martial artist seeking virtue with his heart that will encounter the true meaning of budo and life itself. Only the real adept will one day feel and understand why daily training, commitment, correct path and never ceasing to seek improvement is so important.

In the bushido code, there are 7 virtues:

1. Rectitude Correct judgment or procedure for the resolution of righteousness.

2. Courage A virtue only in the cause of righteousness. Death for an unworthy cause
was termed a dog's death by Samurai.

3. Benevolence Love, affection for others, sympathy and nobility of feeling are
regarded as the highest attributes of the soul.

4. Politeness A poor virtue if it is actuated only by a fear of offending good taste.
Rather it should stem from a sympathetic regard for the feeling of others.

5. Veracity Truthfulness; Lying is deemed cowardly and regarded as dishonorable.
Indeed the word of a samurai guaranteed the truthfulness of an assertion.

6. Honor Personal dignity and worth are implicit in the word honor. Never act in a way
that may dishonor yourself, your family, your school, club or federation.

7. Loyalty Only in the code of chivalrous honor does loyalty assume importance. In
the conflict between loyalty and affection the code never wavers from the choice of

In the personality of the martial artist we should look for applications of 5 states of mind.

These 5 states of mind can only be found in deep meditation and/or hard training and following guidelines and sharpening awareness techniques:

1. Zanshin: Awareness, relaxed alertness, remaining mindful after finishing technique

2. Mushin: No mind, the mind of an innocent baby

3. Fudoshin: Immovable mind, a mind that met all challenges of life, and that has attained a complete composure of life and fearlessness

4. Shoshin: Beginner’s mind, openness, eagerness and lack of preconceptions

5. Senshin: Enlighted mind, protecting and respecting all life and in harmony with the universe.